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Campus Kids

When the school day ends, working parents are often faced with tough child care decisions. Parents want their children, who are often too young to stay at home, in a safe, structured, affordable, and conveniently located learning environment after the last school bell tolls.

To aid parents in this endeavor, Clayton County Public Schools has renamed and revamped its after-school child care program. Campus Kids, which was formerly  the After School Enrichment Program (ASEP), is available immediately following normal school hours at all Clayton County elementary and select middle schools.

Campus Kids costs $50 weekly. Program staff will offer students help with homework while providing them time to participate in arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor organized activities, music/drama, and health/safety programs. Campus Kids is open until 6:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, which allows parents extra time after work to pick up their children. Nutritious snacks will also be provided.

Students who are enrolled in the Campus Kids program will report to a site coordinator at each school. Once there, students will complete homework assignments before participating in structured activities.

A registration form and enrollment contract must be completed and accepted before any student may participate in the program. At that time, parents will be required to pay a $40 non-refundable fee that covers registration and the first week of tuition.

First page of the PDF file: CampusKidsAfterschoolProgramFY25Registration_2