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Principal's Corner

Greetings Haynie Students and Parents!

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this 2024-2024 school year! We are committed to have an engaging, exciting and enthusiastic year. My name is Vanessa Muhammad and I have the privilege and honor to serve you and your children as the principal this year! I look forward to interacting with each of you.

This school year is sure to bring new learning opportunities and possibly some challenges. We know that with your support and our dedication to student achievement and advancement our students will be successful. 

We look forward to you sharing your ideas, suggestions and concerns so that we may improve our practices for the betterment of our students and community.

Please know that you child's teacher is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to help move your students toward the next level of learning, leading and living!

Looking forward to working with each of you,

Dr. Vanessa Muhammad, Principal